NUANCES screw-in

With its experience in the making of the NUANCES mineral glass square filter line, Cokin introduced in January 2018 two screw-in filter additions to the NUANCES mineral glass filter line: ND1024 (10-stops) and a Variable ND32 (5-stops) to ND1000 (10-stops) ND filter. Cokin soon completed these NUANCES screw-in filters with new references: Variable ND2 (1-stop) to ND400 (8-stops) ND filters, circular polarizing C-PL and anti-UV Protector filters. Screw-in NUANCES filters are available in 52mm, 58mm, 62mm, 67mm, 72mm, 77mm, 82mm diameters (and 95mm for the anti-UV Protector) and offer the same optical performance as our NUANCES square filters.

Active filters